Cooking Class Zoom and Ingredient List

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Topic: Shrimp Creole Cooking Class
Time: Feb 16, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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This week’s class: Mardi Gras Shrimp Creole 


Shopping list (for 4 people):


2 lb shrimp

Unsalted butter

All purpose flour (only need a couple of tablespoons)

1 large yellow onion 

1 green bell pepper 

1 head garlic

1 bunch green onions

2 lemons

1 small package tarragon (or basil)

1 container unsalted chicken stock

4 cups diced tomatoes, canned (two 14.5 oz cans is fine)

Your favorite long grained rice

1 container bay leaves

1 small container ground allspice

1 small container cayenne

Kosher salt



Peel shrimp

Dice onion (reserve the core)

Dice bell pepper

Chop 3 cloves garlic

Leave 2 toes of garlic peeled but not chopped

Slice ½ of the green onions (including the white part)


Rice Method:

Follow instructions on the package you bought of rice. Add in to the water the core of the onion, two smashed garlic cloves, one bay leaf, a fat pinch of salt, and a knob of butter.


Shrimp Method:

In a cast iron pan, melt 4 tbsp unsalted butter and sweat the onions. Add in the bell peppers and continue to cook. Add in the garlic until fragrant. Sprinkle on the flour and make a roux. Pour in your tomatoes and bring to a simmer. Adjust with chicken stock. Season with salt, allspice, and cayenne. Let simmer for 10-15 minutes. Season shrimp with salt and have them ready to poach in the sauce. Add in a fat squeeze of lemon.  Add in green onions and shrimp to gently poach. When done, adjust seasoning and add in chopped tarragon at the last second. Serve over rice and garnish with green onions and a wedge of lemon.

Cocktail 1: French Quarter Manhattan


.75 oz Riverset Rye

.75 oz Cognac (Pierre Ferrand Cognac)

.75 oz Sweet Vermouth (Dolin Rouge)

.25 oz Benedictine

4 dashes Peychaud’s bitters


Wash glass with Benedictine and pour it out. Stir and strain into a double old fashioned with ice. Garnish maraschino cherry and lemon twist.


Cocktail 2: Real Mardi Gras Daquiri


2 oz White Rum (Bacardi White)

1 oz Lime Juice

.75 oz Simple Syrup


Rim martini or coupe glass with sugar (for fun you can do purple, gold, and green segmented). Shake extremely hard and pour. Garnish with lemon twist.

Equipment Needs:

1 sharp knife

1 cutting board

1 medium sized pot

1 large cast iron pan (or other pan)

1 whisk

1 wooden spoon

1 metal spoon